1、钨钼高速钢锯片W6Mo5Cr4V2(M2,6542) 牌号为W6Mo5Cr4V2(M2)的钨钼系高速钢锯片(含钼5%)具有碳化物细小分布均匀,耐磨性高等优点。其热处理硬度可达64-66HRC,抗弯强度达4700MPa,制成的锯片对切割中抵抗拉强度(抗拉强度500N/m㎡ 800 N/m㎡)的金属材料效果十分理想。 High speed steel molybdenum (HSS-DMo5,M2) Circular saws which are made of high speed steel(5% molybdenum content)are suitable for cutting-off steels and alloys with hardness between 500N/m㎡and 800 N/m㎡, The hardness of it heat-treated is 64-66 HRC, and it’s bending strength is 4700MPa. The saw blades are used on manual semi-automatic and fully automatic sawing machine. 2、钴合金高速钢锯片M42,M35 高性能高速钢锯片M42(含钴8%),是高质量的合金高速钢锯片,用这种材料制成的锯片高速钢锯片硬度、热硬性、耐磨性及可磨性都很好。用来切割那些难以切削的材料(抗拉强度超过800 N/m㎡),它将会明显的延长刀具的使用寿命。但钴高速钢锯片价格昂贵,约为普通高速钢锯片的5-8倍。 High speed steel cobalt (HSS-CO5%, M35) Circular saws which are made of super high speed steel(5% cobalt content)are suitable for cutting off steels and alloys with hardness above 800 N/m㎡.The saw blades are used on semi-automatic and fully automatic sawing machine. 3、其它高速钢锯片: 钨系高速钢锯片牌号为W18Cr4V(W18),其热处理硬度可达63-66HRC,抗弯强度可达3500MPa,可磨性好。普通高速钢锯片为W9Mo3Cr4V(W9),其硬度为HRC63-64,容易轧制、锻造。是中国近几年发展起来的新品种 The other kind of high speed steel W-series high speed steel has good abrasion performance, The hardness of it heat-treated is 63-66 HRC, and it’s bending strength is 3500MPa. Ordinarily high speed steel is easy to roll and Forge, The hardness of it heat-treated is 63-64 HRC, it is a new and popularized material in China these years. 特别注意:为了进一步提供锯片的各项性能,我厂的高速钢锯片材料经高温锻打处理,使材料的组织变得更致密,硬度更高,锯片更耐磨,使用寿命更长。 Note: in order to improve each capability of our products, The HSS we used is high temperature forged and quenched, so it has better hardness, abrasion performance and combination property